Free Biorhythm chart including compatibility matchTo Run From the dropdown boxes click the downward arrow then
select your birth date, then click 'Calculate'
As far as I can find this is the only totally free, fully functional and accurate biorhythm calculator on the net! Find out your best days for: Work, Thinking and Physical activity. A quick explanation I think as to how it works is needed following several
questions. So OK its like this. It is claimed that when we are born 3
cycles start off. All cycles go in the same cycle and of of the same length
for everybody. They all start at Zero when born. On the chart the Intellectual
(in BLUE) cycle governs everything to do with your intelligence. See the
cycles as 'awake and asleep' so when the cycle is above the Zero line
its like its awake and is ready to 'go' and is said to be positive. When
its below the line its said to be Negative and its like its asleep and
need rest. So for The Intellectual cycle when its above the line this is a good time to do exams etc. when below its a good time to rest, when however its 'Crossing the zero line' its said to be critical, this is when bad decisions are made, to continue the analogy its like where your just waking up and your not quite sure 'where you are'. The Emotional line in RED governs your emotional feelings, so when above the line your 'emotionally awake' when below you need emotional rest. And when crossing the line your emotionally critical. The Physical line (GREEN) , again when above the line says your at your physical best, when below you want physical rest and when crossing its in the awake asleep but like as you wake up in the morning on these days you're said to be emotionally critical this is when accidents happen. Further down the page are the 'analyses' of the effect of combining these cycles, but the above is all you really need to understand these cycles. |
Think of the cycles like the wake and sleep cycle. When you are awake it like the positive phase (above the horizontal line), where you are active and alive, and the Negative phase (below the horizontal line), when you are asleep and recuperating and the Critical phase (when crossing the horizontal line), when you are waking up or falling asleep, that's a bit confused as your neither awake nor asleep These other cycles follow the same pattern. The Physical cycle controls your physical abilities. When its in the positive phase, that's above the line you are naturally physically more capable more active, your skin feels better you might feel more restless at this time as you have more energy. When in the negative phase you feel more like resting and taking it easy. And on the critical days you are more accident prone. The Emotional Cycle Wednesday's ChildMonday's child is fair of face, |